General Liability Release Form
By signing below, you agree to the following:
1) I give my permission to receive massage therapy, yoga and breath instruction and sound healing. 

2) I understand that therapeutic massage, yoga or sound are not substitutes for traditional medical treatment or medications. 

3) I understand that the massage therapist does not diagnose illnesses or injuries, 

or prescribe medications. 

4) I have clearance from my physician to receive massage therapy and actively participate in yoga stretches and breathing exercises. 

5) I understand the risks associated with massage therapy and yoga include, but are not 
 limited to:
Short-term redness to skin 

Short-term muscle soreness 

Exacerbation of undiscovered injury

I therefore release the company and the individual massage therapist from all
liability concerning these injuries that may occur during the massage and or yoga session.
6) I understand the importance of informing my massage therapist of all medical conditions and medications I am taking, and to let the massage therapist know about any changes to these. I understand that there may be additional risks based on my physical condition. 

7) I understand that it is my responsibility to inform my massage therapist of any discomfort I may feel during the massage or yoga session so he/she may adjust accordingly.
8) I understand that I or the massage therapist may terminate the session at any time. 

9) I have been given a chance to ask questions about the massage therapy session and my questions have been answered.